2019 The Year of Reflection, Resolve, & Record Highs

2019 The Year of Reflection, Resolve, & Record Highs

February 10, 20200

First: let us say to our wonderful clients, team members, and vendors thank you for an amazing 2019.

It truly was a year of reflection, resolve and records for CEOHR, Inc. The reflection began with the theory of disruption. Today’s PEO industry is filled with the ‘Status Quo.’ Where is the innovation? Where is the creativity? Where is the disruption?

Several PEO’s still operate under processes and procedures that were developed 20 even 30 years ago. Yes, shocking! No doubt the industry has grown over the years, mostly due to acquisitions or capital infusions. PEO’s aggressively acquired other PEO’s to gain certain economies. BUT has the industry matured? President Ronald Reagan once said ‘Status Quo, you know, is Latin for the mess we’re in.’ We believe the industry is stuck, and desperately needs a blast of disruptive creativity.

Second: last year we ‘walked the talk’ and completely disrupted our Payroll and Benefits Departments. Not because of complaints; simply to change from the ‘status quo’. The customer response has been tremendously positive and the sales advantages significant. We have further changes on the horizon.

Third: we added very talented team members who truly think ‘outside the box,’ thus laying the foundation for a highly successful expansion. We now operate in 36 states. Several team members and vendors faced challenges when trying to embrace our disruptive philosophy. The initial response being ‘This is how it’s always been done;’ famous last words of many stagnant organizations, dying careers and failed industries. However, we continue to be resolute in our belief of the disruption theory.

Fourth: we moved to new headquarters; they are comfortable and more conveniently located for the team members.

Finally, our numbers were strong. We continued to achieve record results in our revenues and the first quarter of 2020 is off to an amazing start surpassing 2019 sales by over 20%.

We will continue to “reflect, disrupt and grow” while building our company into a perennial platform outsourcing powerhouse.

Darrin Fedder
Chairman & CEO

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